Franklin Flood for Agents

Customer Service was once the mantra of every corporation, and then abandoned when profitability suffered. Now customer service is paid for by tying employee compensation into marks received from corporate issued customer questionnaires. “Remember that nothing but a 10 counts” is the embarrassing plea of many an employee. I truly feel for them. However at Franklin I am proud to say we have a culture of customer service that need not be measured. It is service fueled by everyone’s passion working here. We truly want to help in our little piece of the world as America’s premier provider for flood insurance. Robert Materdomini Vice President, Sales - Licensed P&C Agent changes are a few of the complicated issues that Franklin, as your flood specialist, will simplify. Through the following pages I will introduce the rest of Franklin’s team that share in my dedication to a long term, mutually beneficial relationship between Franklin and our Agents.” “Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you. We appreciate your business and the confidence you have placed in our company.”